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ADSA Committees are the foundation of our organization.


These committees provide academic, emotional, and social support to our members.


Check out the list of committees below and get involved today!

Planning Committee

The ADSA planning committee is composed of the current ADSA executive committee, the immediate past members of the executive committee, and two faculty advisors. The committee is responsible for overseeing the programs and initiatives of ADSA.

Research Committee

The research is responsible for identifying opportunities to support ADSA member research programs. The committee is further responsible for managing the distribution and review of feedback surveys during ADSA conferences as well as establishing roundtable discussions centered around research interests and/or current literature.

Service Committee

The service committee leads the development and submission of a novel professional development workshop to the American Accounting Association conference. The committee develops the session proposal, recruit participants for the PDW, and (if accepted) facilitates the session at AAA. 

Sessions Committee

The sessions committee is responsible for creating the agenda for ADSA conferences using feedback from the previous conference. The committee works to identify potential facilitators (students and faculty are appropriate), session topics, and the overall structure of the conference.    

 Cohort Liaisons Committee

The cohort liaison committee is composed of 1-2 cohort member representatives that will serve as liaisons between the EC and their respective cohorts. Liaisons are expected to streamline information and support engagement within their respective cohorts.

Membership Committee

The membership committee works to facilitate membership outreach to ensure that ADSA members are continuing to progress in their programs and are finding guidance when needed. The committee also oversees the student mentor/mentee program.

CARMA Committee

The CARMA committee is a subcommittee of the Research committee that is responsible for coordinating sessions in accordance with CARMA. The committee is responsible for identifying interdisciplinary methods needs among PhD Project faculty and students.

Networking Committee

The networking committee is responsible for developing opportunities to connect ADSA members across cohorts both during and outside of the formal conference schedule. The committee is also responsible for facilitating the “Intercohort Networking” and the “After Hours Networking” sessions during the ADSA annual conference. 

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